Lifestyle Medicine is an evidence based way to improve, prevent and even reverse disease.

The 6 pillars of Lifestyle Medicine



Food is Medicine. With the right food you can help your body to heal itself. A predominantly whole food, plant-based diet has proven benefits to your health and we will help you learn what this means.  



Good quality sleep is not only important for better physical health but also a very important part of mental health. We will help you identify dietary, environmental and coping behaviours to improve your sleep health.


Physical activity

An essential part of your optimal health is regular and consistent physical activity that can be maintained on a daily basis throughout life. This looks different for everyone and so an individualised approach is required.


Stress Management

Stress can contribute to many diseases such as anxiety, depression, obesity, immune dysfunction and more. Learning to recognise negative stress responses and coping mechanisms can improve your overall wellbeing.



Isolation has been shown to lead to reduced longevity. Social relationships are integral to emotional resiliency. Enhancing connectedness is part of the journey to better health.


Risky Substance Avoidance

Risky and addictive substances such as smoking, alcohol and drugs have negative impacts on physical and mental health. Avoiding these will improve your wellbeing and certainly reduce your risk of diseases such as cancers and heart disease.

“I underestimated how hard it would be adjusting to working from home, but with Dr. Bernard’s help, I was able to regain focus.”

M B, London

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.